Get Unstuck: The One Journaling Exercise That Changed Everything For Me
Welcome to my newsletter & thank you for your support!
I’m glad you’re here.
You’ve been subscribed to this list because you’ve attended one of my virtual events, taken one of my yoga classes, received health coaching from me, or signed up on instagram/linkedin. If you’d like to unsubscribe, skip to the bottom and click “unsubscribe”! If you need a refresh on who I am & what I’m about, keep reading:
1. Introducing myself: Why me, why now?
My name is Jessie. I am a certified health coach, corporate wellness consultant and yoga teacher. I don’t “know everything” about health and wellness - is that even possible?! I am a survivor of chronic illness - and I’ve healed from over 30 different symptoms. I’m now feeling great, but I’m still learning as I go, and sharing my insights along the way.
Dat’s me:
2. What To Expect: This newsletter will be focused on ONE weekly tip on how to live a happier & healthier life!
Each week, I’ll publish a newsletter with 1 tip on how to be your own best health coach. 1 small tip = 1 small shift in behavior = 1% better each week. That’s it! What could be more important? Let’s start today:
3. Week 1: The 1 Journaling Exercise That Changed EVERYTHING for me
This year I’m working on my biggest & longest standing goal yet: to share my work widely & help MORE people feel good every single day.
The truth is: I’ve been dreaming up life as a wellness & mindset thought leader for almost 8 years without taking any significant action (ah, my nightmare realized!)
Yes I’ve gotten certifications, yes I’ve done consulting for corporations, and 1:1 coaching, but the ONE THING I’ve been avoiding is THE ONE THING I WANT THE MOST: to share my work at scale.
This year, I finally said, “Enough is enough, I’m going for it. I don’t care if I’m judged, laughed at, or hate-followed, as long as I’m putting myself out there and helping a small group of people I care about, I’ll be happy.” … and 5 months later, here I finally am!
The 3 Things that ended my spiral and prompted the shift
1) Frankly, I was DONE with my own excuses.
I wasn’t going to let another year go by of NOT going for it. Life’s too short! Don’t you agree?! (Less formally: I got over myself and my B.S. excuses)
2) I saw other people doing what I wanted to be doing and it made it seem less scary.
If they can do it, YOU/I can do it right?! If you’re in need of inspiration, look for people who are DOING the thing. You’re likely just as skilled or knowledgeable as they are! Instead of being jealous, be inspired!
3) I did **THIS EXERCISE** that helped me break my dreams down into tiny achievable steps.
Once I saw the steps, I thought, “I can do this.” This mindset shift changed everything for me.
If you’re dreaming up something BIG, but stuck on the first step, try this:
Step 0: Grab a pen and paper and answer the following questions in order.
Open your mind & heart up to ALL possibilities. No goal is too big or too small!
Step 1: Someday Goal: What is the one thing you hope to accomplish in this lifetime?
Your someday goal is otherwise known as your grand vision for yourself! It can be one or two words, or one or two sentences. Sometimes it helps to envision someone who has ALREADY achieved this goal to help it feel closer to reality (Ie: Someday goal: I want to be a famous fiction novelist, like J.K.Rowling or Emily Henry). Feel free to list names here, too!
Step 2: 5 Year Goal:
Based on your Someday Goal, whats the ONE thing you can do in the next 5 years to get closer to that reality?
Step 3: 1 Year Goal:
Based on your 5 Year Goal, what’s the one thing you can do this year?
Step 4: 1 Month Goal:
Based on your 1 Year Goal, what’s the one thing you can do this month?
Step 5: 1 Week Goal:
Based on your 1 Month Goal, what’s the one thing you can do this week?
Step 6: Daily Goal:
Based on your 1 Weekly Goal, what’s the one thing you can do each day?
THAT’S IT. Bravo!
Here’s a snippet of mine if you’re stuck (Also: let it be messy and ugly! Let it seem impossible or far fetched. Just get it down on paper.)
(Final Step) Step 7: Let it sink in.
You don’t have to do anything with this list today. Just making the list was a huge step - celebrate with some ice cream! It doesn’t matter how crazy or unachievable your goals seem right now. Just let them sink into your heart and mind. Pretty soon you’ll be saying, “Look, I’m doing it!!”
Next week, I’ll talk about how take consistent action on these goals and become the person you were always meant to be using secrets from Atomic Habits.
Tell me what you learned from this exercise or send me your goals and dreams! I’m dying to see!
Thanks for reading.
Health is Wealth.
xoxo, Jessie